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Testing Methods 

Hybrids entered in the Hybrid Corn Performance Trials are selected by the seed companies. A testing fee is charged per hybrid per replication. A hybrid must be entered in all trials within a table. In each trial, hybrids are replicated in a suitable experimental design. Trials are machine planted with a precision population planter or planted at excess rate and thinned at an early growth stage to obtain a uniform population. A row width of 30 inches is used in all trials. Plots consist of four rows of which the middle two rows are harvested for yield. Fertilizer rates may be higher than those recommended by OMAFRA to compensate for any variability in soil nutrient supply. Most of the hybrids entered in the trials were treated with a seed treatment to control soil insects. Hybrids that were not treated with are not identified in the report. There was no significant damage from soil insects at any of the locations. To determine the percentage of lodged plant, a count is made, immediately before harvest, of all plants broken below the ear and all plants which are leaning such that the ear is in the adjacent row or is otherwise unharvestable. The moisture percentage of the grain is measured at harvest time. The weight of grain harvested from each plot is determined and the yield of shelled corn is calculated at 15% moisture. Test weights are recorded either during harvest, using combine-mounted monitoring equipment, or in the laboratory, using accepted procedures. 

Interpretation of Results 

Index – The index in the tables indicates a percent of the average of all hybrids included in the trial(s). Index figures above 100 reflect the percentage by which a hybrid is above the average, and index figures below 100 show the percent below average. Small differences in index (i.e. less than the LSD shown at the bottom of the table) are not significant. When a hybrid has a higher index over two years, this difference is probably real and should be considered when choosing a hybrid. Hybrid selection should be based on the most data available. Greater emphasis should be put on averages from several locations and years because these provide a more accurate prediction of future performance than do single location results. The average yield for each table is given in bushels per acre. You can calculate the actual yield for a hybrid by multiplying the average yield times its yield index and dividing by 100. The average test weight is given in kg/hl1 (kilograms per hectoliter). You can calculate the actual test weight of a hybrid by multiplying the average test weight times its test weight index and dividing by 100. Within each table, hybrids are identified by brand and/or hybrid number or name. Hybrids are listed in approximate order of maturity based on heat unit ratings provided by the companies.  

Corn Heat Units – Ratings for all areas of the province are based on the average heat unit accumulation for the period from May 1 to the date in the fall when the long-term average daily temperature falls below 12° C or an occurrence of -2° C, whichever comes first. Hybrid heat unit ratings have been assigned by the sponsoring company.  

% Moisture – The accuracy of moisture measurement decreases as moisture content increases. Results for hybrids with very high moisture contents should be interpreted with caution.  

% Lodging – “Lodged Plants” includes plants with stalks that are broken below the ear and plants leaning such that the ear is in the adjacent row or otherwise unharvestable. Because all hybrids in a trial are harvested on the same date, the early hybrids within each table tend to show a greater amount of stalk breakage than do later hybrids. Stalk strength should be compared only with hybrids of the same maturity.  

LSD (0.10) – The LSD is a measure of variability within the trial. There is a ninety percent probability that yield indices that differ by an amount greater than the LSD are different. Yield indices that differ by an amount less than or equal to the LSD should be considered to be equal. For example, if the LSD is 10, two hybrids with yield indexes of 110 and 101 should be considered to be equal. 

Explanation of Codes for Special Genetic Traits

CodeGM Traits
0Conventional Hybrid
4Roundup Ready Corn 2
6VT Double PRO
14Agrisure GT
20Agrisure Viptera 3111
24Optimum AcreMax Xtreme
25Optimum AcreMax Xtra
28Agrisure Above
30PowerCore Enlist
31SmartStax Enlist
37Optimum AcreMax Leptra
38SmartStax PRO

Explanation of Seed Treatment Codes

Seed Treatments
No Treatment
AAcceleron 250
CCruiser Maxx 250
PPoncho 250

Notes: The Ontario Corn Committee does not assess hybrids for Special Genetic Traits. Hybrid descriptions are based on information received from corn companies, as of November 2023. Although the Ontario Corn Committee believes the information contained in this report is accurate, growers are advised to consult dealers of the respective hybrids and products before making purchasing or management decisions. All hybrids included in this report have been fully approved for food and feed use in Canada and the United States. However, a number have not been approved for use in the European Union. Corn harvested from these non-EU approved hybrids must be delivered to a market that will not ship the grain or its processed products to Europe. For more information, contact your seed supplier. Information regarding the genetic traits carried by all commercially available hybrids and their acceptability for export can also be obtained from the Seeds Canada’s at: https://seeds-canada.ca/corn-hybrid-database/